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AA Conference approved Literature

AA Literature

Our Big Book is available at most meetings for purchase (no one is refused a book for lack of funds).

An online version is available from the AA World Services website:

AA Big Book

AA Big Book


The book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions gives an in-depth outline of our program of recovery. This book is available at most of our meetings, or you can read an online version provided by AA World Services here:

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions


The AA Grapevine is like an AA meeting in print.

Check it out: The International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous

AA Literature


AA Literature

Literature is held centrally by Intergroup If you need literature for your AA group
and you are within the GCC region please email  with your order.
If you need literature for personal use please speak to the Chairperson of your Home Group
who will be able to direct you to the literature person for your group.


Daily reflections
Living Sober
Came to believe
Paper back 12 Steps 12 traditions
As Bill Sees It paperback
Big book paperback
Pocket size big book
Dr bob and the good old timers
AA comes of age

Language of the heart
Experience strength and hope


12 steps illustrated
12 traditions illustrated
AA tradition and how it developed
Problems other than alcohol
Questions on sponsorship
Just for today cards

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